If you have earned yourself a military coin, this is something that you should be very proud about. There are actually many people out there who have heard such coins and that is really wonderful to know. You might have heard that coin because of an act of bravery that you have displayed to people in distress or maybe you have shown a very honorable act to your towns people. For whatever reason you have earned that military coin, you might want to take good care of it and to preserve it for the future. There are many ways that you can get to clean up your military coin if ever it gets pretty dirty. Read more on this guide for military coins.
The first and the easiest way to clean your military coin is to run warm water on it. This will get rid of the dirt particles that are stuck on your military coin. If there are many dirt particles on your coin, you might not want to rub that off as they might scratch your coin and you really do not want that to happen. After you wash off your coin on both sides with warm water, you might want to leave them on a towel to dry off. Your military coins will look really clean and pretty again without the dirt particles on them. There is yet another way that you can get to clean your military coins and we are going to look further into that at https://customchallengecoins.net/guide-to-cleaning-your-military-coins/.
If you have really cold coins with you, you might want to find a way how you can get to remove the dirty on them without ruining the coin itself. One really good method for cleaning such ancient coins is to use olive oil. Yes, olive oil is used to clean delicate coins and to remove dirty that has accumulated on them. The reason why you should use olive oil is because olive oil can loosen those hard to remove dirt without having to rub or scrub on the coin which can really ruin it bad. Make sure that you treat your coins very carefully especially if they are really old coins already. There are also some people who would use alcohol to clean their military coins and if you would want to do that as well, you can go ahead and try it out because they can really work. Get more details on these coins at https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/23/politics/challenge-coins-secret-service-government-shutdown/index.html.